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Writer's pictureSilver Bridges

Influencer Marketing - An option or a MUST ?

For all those of you who might want to try influencer marketing but aren’t quite convinced yet, we see you.

we do the same when making decisions that involve some type of investment, whether in money or time. We’ll read Amazon reviews before buying a product or check out what Rotten Tomatoes says before we go to the movie theater to see that latest film.

In a world where we have too many options and even more information, it can be hard to know sometimes if that thing we’re thinking about buying or doing is really the best option for us.

That’s why we’ve rounded up 5 influencer marketing benefits so you can learn what the strategy can bring to your business.

1. Build trust quickly

One of the top influencer marketing benefits is the trust that it can bring to your brand. When you partner with an influencer, they already have an audience that they’ve grown over time.

Influencers have attracted and retained their followers, who see them as experts in their chosen niche. Because of this, followers trust their favorite influencers’ opinions and see them more like family and friends than advertisers.

In fact, studies show that 61% of consumers trust recommendations from family, friends, and influencers. Only 38% trust recommendations that come directly from brands. When you pick apart the average and look at age demographics, the percentages who trust influencers are particularly high among young people.

This means that when your brand partners with an influencer, you’re tapping into that relationship of trust. An influencer’s endorsement of your brand will appear less like an ad and more like a friendly recommendation.

2. Connect with your target audience

In addition to helping you tap into credibility and trust, influencers can help you connect with your target audience relatively easily. It goes without saying that this is extremely important for any marketing campaign.

You, of course, have to know who your target audience is. Make sure to do your market research. You can also use social media to do this, like figuring out your buyer persona through your Instagram audience.

Anyway, once you know who you’re targeting, the key is finding an influencer who has a similar audience. When doing this you want to keep in mind the various demographics that relate to your buyer personas, like their ages and genders, where they live, what language they speak, and what topics they’re interested in.

3. Boost brand awareness

The third of our influencer marketing benefits is that the strategy helps you promote awareness of your brand. Awareness is the first step in the marketing funnel, and therefore necessary if you want to accomplish other goals like engagement or sales.

According to research, there are 4.48 billion active users on social media as of July 2021 (that is 57% of the world population). The bottom line? There are A LOT of people that use Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and the other social networks every day.

From that statistic alone, it’s clear that social media is a good arena for promoting your brand to new people. And people are paying attention. In the US, for example, 63% of people said they have followed a brand featured in influencer content.

Why? Well, it ties into our first two points. We’re bombarded by so many ads per day that we’re almost conditioned to tune them out. But influencer content doesn’t feel like ads. Moreover, if you find the right influencer, you know that they share your target audience, which means people are even more likely to take notice of your brand.

Marketing via influencers is engaging and non-intrusive. You are not disrupting anyone with a paid ad they didn’t ask for. You’re simply appearing in the content they’d be looking at anyway. This makes your brand visible and makes a good impression.

4. Enrich your content marketing strategy

While audience relationship is still the primary factor driving marketers to use influencer marketing, content creation is catching up: last year 27% reported it as a goal and this year the number rose to 34%.

Sometimes it’s tough creating content. It requires brainstorming, calendaring, production, distribution and tracking. So it’s nice if someone can take one or two of those tasks off your hands. Influencers can do just that.

Partnering with content creators leads to, well, content creation. You can then use this content to fill in the gaps between the content you produce in-house.

What’s more, influencers provide fresh ideas from new perspectives from outside of your brand. This means they can show your brand in a new light, or potentially see something that your own team didn’t pick up on.

And going a step further, influencers are the perfect consultants to help your brand create content related to sensitive topics. 51% of people said they’ve called out a company on social media, so if you want to avoid this, it’s important to avoid purely performative displays, like rainbow capitalism during Pride Month.

5. Offers great ROI

Now, all these other points considered, let’s get to one of the most important influencer marketing benefits: great return on investment. This is due to influencer marketing offering so many returns, whether they’re quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative benefits of your campaign might be sales, revenues, or other conversions you’ve defined and set a value for.

But qualitative benefits could include:

  • Impressions and engagements

  • Press generated by the campaign

  • Backlinks

  • Content assets created

  • New social media followers or email subscribers

None of these have a concrete value attached to them, but they’re definitely beneficial to your business. They help with branding, get you new leads, and back up your content and SEO strategies.

So when calculating your ROI, you have to keep all of these in mind. And when measuring the success of your influencer marketing campaigns, only compete against your investment and initial expectations.

In 2022, Influencer Marketing is having the lead in the marketing strategies of big brands and at Silver Bridges, we will make sure that you got the right influencer to represent you brand at its best, we will provide you the best ones in your industry and will ease the marketing and communication process. So our advice for you would be to


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